Aaron Smith (Wining Boy)


Aaron Smith (Wining Boy) is the father of five wonderful children and 10 grandchildren and husband to his amazing wife Jennifer. Aaron graduated from Grand View University with a degree in creative performing arts.

Over the years, he has participated in numerous productions with GVU, The Playhouse, StageWest, Pyramid Theatre Company, and more. Some of his most notable roles were the Voice of Audrey II at GVU and The Playhouse; Walter Lee Younger in A Raisin in The Sun at GVU and Pyramid; Aslan in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and Coalhouse Walker in Ragtime at The Playhouse; Martin Luther King, Jr. in The Mountaintop, Troy Manson in Fences, and Sgt Vernon Water in A Soldier’s Play.

One of his most challenging but rewarding theatrical experiences was the role of August Wilson in the one-man, 90-minute autobiographical play, How I Learned What I Learned, performed at the Riverside Theatre in Iowa City and with Pyramid in Des Moines.